Breast reduction and Mastopexy (Breast Lift) can give patients a great sense of physical relief as well as improve their body confidence and self-esteem.
The relationship between breast reduction and mastopexy (Breast Lift)
Breast reduction refers to surgically reducing breast volume and reshaping the breasts. A mastopexy (Breast Lift) refers to surgically elevating the nipple and breast tissue to a level that is considered more youthful.
Breast reduction and mastopexy (Breast Lift) represent a continuum of procedures. All breast reductions need a component of lifting (Mastopexy) to relocate the nipple to a more youthful height. Mastopexy (Breast Lift) is the same procedure with little or no volume reduction.
Breast Reduction Surgery – A Look at the Benefits
Patients seeking a breast reduction have often lived with long-term discomfort in the upper back, neck and shoulders. They dislike the way their breasts look and the way their breasts make them feel.
Symptomatic relief from the burden of heavy breasts can have far-reaching benefits. This has been shown time and time again to be a procedure that improves quality of life on many levels.
You will have less pain, tightness and discomfort from bra-straps. You will find it simpler to dress without having to wear heavy or double bras.
Mastopexy (Breast Lift) – A Look at the Benefits
Mastopexy (Breast Lift) surgery is often pursued after pregnancy or dramatic weight loss. Feeling more confident and feminine is one of the main reasons why women choose to undergo a mastopexy (Breast Lift). Being able to look and feel more confident in specific types of clothing is another.
Another key benefit of a mastopexy (Breast Lift) is to reduce under-breast irritation, called intertrigo, which can be a welcome relief when you’ve been living with it for years.
Finally, mastopexy (Breast Lift)s also result in better nipple projection, which means the overall appearance of the breasts is improved.
Breast Reductions and Mastopexies (Breast Lifts) – Your Options
There are many ways to do a mastopexy (Breast Lift) or reduction. The various techniques have different scar patterns and can produce different breast shapes. The intricacies of the surgery and the absolute reduction amount will be discussed at your initial consultation.
It is important to keep in mind that the surgeons at Waverley House in Adelaide share the same goals as you when it comes to breast reduction or mastopexy (Breast Lift). They don’t want your large breast to define you and hope to help you achieve a more balanced silhouette. They want you to have symmetrical appearing breasts that don’t cause you pain and embarrassment.
The initial consultation will focus on your goals while exploring the idiosyncrasies of your general health, body shape, chest shape, breast size, shape and symmetry.
Breast Reduction FAQs – What You Should Know
What can I expect during my breast reduction procedure?
Breast reduction procedures are usually performed under general anaesthetic and require incisions between the nipples and the crease of the breast. Even though the nipple is moved during surgery, the aim to preserve the blood supply and nerves. Once the necessary fat and tissue have been removed using liposuction and specific surgical techniques, internal stitches will be added to the breasts for additional support and the incisions will be closed up. The average procedure can take anywhere from two to three hours depending on how much tissue needs to be removed.
What can I expect after my breast reduction procedure?
In most instances, patients are able to go home within two to three days of their reduction procedure. Some pain and discomfort can be expected for a few days but ice packs and pain medication can be used to alleviate this. Your recovery will depend on how your body reacts to the surgery. It’s ideal if you have someone at home who can assist you for several days as your range of movement may be limited. Patients are generally able to return to work after a week but exercise is only recommended three to four weeks after your surgery. It’s very important to maintain a stable weight after your surgery to avoid reversing the results of your procedure. It’s for this reason that a breast reduction is recommended after your final pregnancy instead of before. However, if the pain and discomfort are too severe, patients are encouraged to schedule their procedure sooner rather than later.
Are there any risks involved with this breast surgery?
The most common risks associated with breast reduction surgery are scarring and infection. However, if you follow your surgeon’s specific aftercare instructions, these risks can be greatly reduced. There is also a chance that feeling in the nipples will never return.
How much does a breast reduction cost?
There are several factors that are taken into account when determining a final cost, including the anaesthetist and hospital fees. The best way to get a more accurate cost is to schedule a personalised consultation at Waverley House. Since many breast reduction procedures are performed for medical reasons, there is a chance that patients can benefit from Medicare rebates, which will cover a portion of the total cost.
When will I see the final results of my breast reduction?
It can take up to six weeks to see the final results of your breast reduction surgery because swelling needs to subside. This is different for everyone and if at any point you are concerned about your results, speak to your surgeon about your progress. Maintaining a healthy weight and leading a healthy lifestyle will help you maintain your breast reduction results.
How many cup sizes can I go down with a breast reduction?
In most instances, your breasts can be reduced by two cup sizes but your surgeon will discuss the possibilities and your expectations with you during your consultation to ensure the best result.
Is it possible for a breast reduction to interfere with a mammogram?
A mastopexy (Breast Lift) definitely won’t interfere with your ability to have a mammogram but it is recommended that you schedule one as soon as your breasts have healed so that a baseline can be established for future scans.
Mastopexy (Breast Lift) FAQs – What You Should Know
What takes place during my mastopexy (Breast Lift) procedure at Waverley House?
A mastopexy (Breast Lift) procedure will also require an anaesthetic and several techniques can be used to achieve the desired results. Where the incisions are placed will determine how severe the scarring is after your procedure. The incisions can be made around the areolae, between the areolae and the crease of the breast or along the crease of the breast. Once the excess skin has been removed and the nipples have been moved to a higher position, the skin will be closed with sutures. The average procedure takes between two and three hours.
What can I expect after my mastopexy (Breast Lift)?
After your mastopexy (Breast Lift), the incisions will be covered with dressings and a support bra will need to be worn postoperatively, usually after the first change of dressings. This will not only reduce any swelling but enhance the healing process too. Patients may also require drains for a few days to get rid of excess fluids. Patients can expect some moderate discomfort for about a week after their surgery and can return to work after spending at least two weeks at home. Any exercise, particularly heavy lifting, should only be resumed after a month.
Are there any risks involved with mastopexy (Breast Lift)?
Patients can expect some bruising and swelling after their mastopexy (Breast Lift). Naturally, if the necessary aftercare instructions are not followed, there is also a risk of infection. Scarring can be expected but with the right care, it won’t be as severe. There is also a small chance that feeling won’t return to the nipples.
How much does a mastopexy (Breast Lift) cost?
An accurate price can only be determined following an in-depth consultation. Whether or not you want to combine your mastopexy (Breast Lift) with augmentation will also play a role in the final cost. Unfortunately, if a mastopexy (Breast Lift) is purely cosmetic, patients don’t qualify for a Medicare rebate.
When will I see the final results of my mastopexy (Breast Lift)?
It will be necessary for all the swelling to disappear before you’ll see the final results of your mastopexy (Breast Lift) – a process that can take up to six months. During this time, your breast size and shape will continue to improve. Regular follow-up appointments with your surgeon will also ensure you’re on track with your recovery. It’s important to maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle if you want to retain your mastopexy (Breast Lift) results. Unfortunately, eventually the natural ageing process will have an effect on your results but this should be very gradual.
Will a mastopexy (Breast Lift) reduce the size of my breasts?
A mastopexy won’t necessarily have a dramatic impact on the size of your breasts unless it is paired with augmentation or a breast reduction. Your surgeon will take you through your options during your consultation.
Is it possible to stop wearing bras after a lift?
Following a mastopexy (Breast Lift) or reduction, many women choose to wear a bra less often but doing so for prolonged periods of time will have an effect on your results. Your skin is the only thing holding your breast tissue in place, which is why it will eventually stretch if it’s not supported.
How do I know how much of a mastopexy (Breast Lift) I will need?
If you had to stand in front of a mirror and lift your nipples so that they’re in the centre of each breast and your chest, you can get an idea of how much your breasts will need to be lifted. During your consultation, your surgeon will take exact measurements and give you a clearer answer to this question.
Schedule a consultation to discuss your breast reduction and mastopexy (Breast Lift) options.