Plastic Surgery Adelaide

- Carpal Tunnel Release
- Trigger Finger Release
- Skin Cancer Resection
- Skin Graft
- Local Flap Repair

Waverley House Plastic Surgery Centre offers a personal and tailored service within the unique setting of a magnificently restored heritage bluestone building.
Established in 1999, Waverley House has evolved into a thriving practice that has earned a strong reputation for quality, safety and for delivering a high standard of Plastic, Reconstructive and Cosmetic Surgery.
Our principal plastic surgeon, Dr Rodney Cooter has a focused interest in surgery of the breast, abdomen and face. However, from his extensive training and experience, he can offer a wide range of general plastic and cosmetic surgery procedures.
Every step of the way we offer
When it comes to plastic surgery, the amount of information presented can be overwhelming. This is why we believe that you can only feel confident if you are carefully guided through each stage with the help of our experienced team.
Our mission is to deliver a safe personalised surgical experience. You are unique and it is important that we understand your needs. We want you to feel confident and secure throughout your plastic surgical journey.